Answering the question of “what do you do” seems like such a simple task, though many business professionals struggle to answer this question. It can help to think, in advance, of what do I really want people to know about me? Do they care? Remember, titles mean nothing – especially if they are vague. If I answer with a single word or phrase like “account manager” what do they know? When coaching individual clients, or teams of developing leaders we challenge each to think about the services they provide to others, to personalize it, and to make it fun. Maybe something more like ” I help solve complex issues for my clients” – certainly will open more questions than “Account Manager”. In our offices we are working on refining some of our website text to better answer the question “What do you do?”; we started by updating this quick 3.5 minute animated video which highlights what we do, why we do it and some of how we do it. What do you think?
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